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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1579
  • Kun: くだ.く, くだ.ける
  • On: サイ
  • Meaning: smash, break, crush, familiar, popular
  • Examples:
    火砕流かさいりゅうpyroclastic flow (type of volcanic eruption), stone wind
    粉砕ふんさいpulverization, pulverisation, smashing, demolishing
    玉砕ぎょくさいhonourable defeat, honorable defeat, honourable death, honorable death
    破砕はさいcrushing, smashing, cracking to pieces
    腰砕けこしくだけinadvertent collapse (sumo); breaking down (e.g. in the middle of a bout), weakening of one's attitude
    砕くくだくto break, to smash
    砕けくだけfamiliar (informal) (speech style)
    砕けるくだけるto break, to be broken
    砕石さいせきbroken stone, rubble