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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:269
  • Kun: とし, とせ, よわい
  • On: サイ, セイ
  • Meaning: year-end, age, occasion, opportunity
  • Examples:
    歳出さいしゅつannual expenditure
    歳入さいにゅうannual revenue or income
    さい-years-old; ability, gift, talent, aptitude, genius
    歳月さいげつ, としつきtime, years
    千歳ちとせ, せんねんmillennium, one thousand years
    歳暮せいぼend of the year, year-end gift
    万歳ばんざい, ばんぜいcrying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture); something worthy of celebration; giving up; long time; eternal life (and prosperity); banzai (a celebratory cheer), hurrah (hooray, hurray)
    歳費さいひannual expenditure
    歳末さいまつyear end
    歳時記さいじきalmanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)