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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: ふさ.ぐ, とりで, み.ちる
  • On: ソク, サイ
  • Meaning: close, shut, cover, block, obstruct
  • Examples:
    閉塞へいそくclosure, blockage
    心筋梗塞しんきんこうそくheart attack, myocardial infarction
    要塞ようさいfort, stronghold, fortification
    脳梗塞のうこうそくstroke (blocked blood vessel in brain), cerebral infarction
    塞がるふさがるto be closed, to be blocked, to be healed (e.g. wound), to be shut up; to be clogged, to be plugged up; to be occupied, to be taken (e.g. accommodation)
    塞ぐふさぐto stop up, to close up, to block (up), to occupy, to fill up, to take up, to stand in another's way, to plug up, to shut up
    塞くせくto dam (up) (stream)
    梗塞こうそくstoppage, tightness, block, infarction
    塞栓そくせんembolus, abnormal substance (i.e. air) circulating in the blood
    充塞じゅうそくplug, full up, being filled, stopped up