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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1089
  • Kun: かく.す, かく.し, かく.れる, かか.す, よ.る
  • On: イン, オン
  • Meaning: conceal, hide, cover
  • Examples:
    隠すかくすto hide, to conceal
    隠し引き出しかくしひきだしsecret withdrawal
    見え隠れみえがくれappearing and disappearing
    隠滅いんめつdestruction, suppression
    隠居いんきょretirement; retired person
    隠密おんみつprivacy, secrecy, spy, detective
    目隠しめかくしsomething used to cover the eyes, blindfold, blinder, blinker, eye bandage; concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside
    隠れ家かくれがhiding place, refuge
    隠語いんごsecret language, jargon, cant; humbug