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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:843
  • Kun: こま.る
  • On: コン
  • Meaning: quandary, become distressed, annoyed
  • Examples:
    困難こんなんdifficulty, distress
    貧困ひんこんpoverty, lack
    困惑こんわくbewilderment, disturbance
    困り果てるこまりはてるto be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed
    困るこまるto be troubled, to be worried, to be bothered, to be embarrassed, to be stumped
    困窮こんきゅうpoverty, distress
    困らせるこまらせるto trouble with questions, to embarrass, to put out, to put on the spot, to inconvenience
    困り者こまりものgood-for-nothing, scapegrace, nuisance, trouble
    困り切るこまりきるto be greatly perplexed, to be greatly embarrassed
    困苦こんくprivation, hardship