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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:675
  • Kun: -こ.む, こ.む, こ.み, -こ.み, こ.める
  • On: nan
  • Meaning: crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)
  • Examples:
    見込みみこみforecast, prospects, expectation, hope
    盛り込むもりこむto incorporate, to include
    申し込みもうしこみapplication, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge
    追い込むおいこむto herd, to corner, to drive
    巻き込むまきこむto roll up, to involve, to enfold, to swallow up, to drag into
    持ち込むもちこむto lodge, to take something into ..., to bring in
    見込むみこむto anticipate, to estimate
    意気込みいきごみardor, enthusiasm
    組み込むくみこむto insert, to include, to cut in (printing)
    売り込みうりこみsales promotion