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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2486
  • Kun: ほけ.る, ぼ.ける, ほ.れる
  • On: コツ
  • Meaning: fall in love with, admire, grow senile
  • Examples:
    恍惚こうこつecstasy, trance
    惚けぼけ, ボケidiot, fool, touched in the head (from), out of it (from), space case; funny man (of a comedy duo), (in comedy) silly or stupid line; Alzheimer's (impol)
    惚けるぼける, ほうけるto grow senile, to be childish with age; to be mentally slow, to be befuddled; to become engrossed (in something)
    惚れるほれるto fall in love, to be in love, to be charmed with, to lose one's heart to
    惚けるとぼけるto play dumb, to feign ignorance, to play innocent, to have a blank facial expression; to play the fool; to be in one's dotage
    惚けとぼけassumed innocence, feigned ignorance
    べた惚れべたぼれ(falling) deeply in love
    一目惚れひとめぼれto be taken with someone at first sight (similar to "love at first sight", but not as strong)
    惚れ惚れほれぼれfondly, charming
    惚れ込むほれこむto be charmed by