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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:596
  • Kun: お.りる, お.ろす, ふ.る, ふ.り, くだ.る, くだ.す
  • On: コウ, ゴ
  • Meaning: descend, precipitate, fall, surrender
  • Examples:
    降りるおりるto descend (e.g. a mountain), to go down, to come down; to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount; to step down, to retire, to give up, to quit; to be granted, to be issued, to be given; to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.); to be passed (from the body; i.e. of a roundworm)
    以降いこうon and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter, since
    下降かこうdownward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence
    滑降かっこうdescent (in skiing)
    降雨こううrainfall, rain
    降伏こうふくcapitulation, surrender, submission
    降りふりrainfall, snowfall; alighting, descending
    降板こうばんleave the mound (baseball), knocked out
    降るふるto precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)