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Kanji Details:

  • 稿
  • Frequency:1400
  • Kun: わら, したがき
  • On: コウ
  • Meaning: draft, copy, manuscript, straw
  • Examples:
    原稿げんこうmanuscript, copy
    稿こうmanuscript, version, draft
    投稿とうこうcontribution, submission, posting (e.g. to a newsgroup or mailing list)
    原稿用紙げんこうようしJapanese writing paper
    寄稿きこうcontribution (e.g. to newspaper)
    草稿そうこうnotes, draft, draught, manuscript
    遺稿いこうposthumous manuscripts
    稿料こうりょうadvance for manuscript, copy-money
    送稿そうこうdocument transmission
    歌稿かこうmanuscript of poem