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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:636
  • Kun: よ.る, ちな.む
  • On: イン
  • Meaning: cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to
  • Examples:
    原因げんいんcause, origin, source
    要因よういんmain cause, primary factor
    本因坊ほんいんぼうgrand master of the game of go
    死因しいんcause of death
    因果いんがcause and effect, karma, fate
    敗因はいいんcause of defeat
    主因しゅいんprimary cause, main factor
    因子いんしfactor, divisor, element
    因縁いんねん, いんえんhetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things); fate, destiny; connection, origin; pretext