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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:54
  • Kun: nan
  • On: イン
  • Meaning: employee, member, number, the one in charge
  • Examples:
    委員いいんcommittee member
    委員会いいんかいcommittee, commission, board, panel, committee meeting
    委員長いいんちょうcommittee chairman
    会員かいいんmember, the membership
    議員ぎいんmember of the Diet, congress or parliament
    職員しょくいんstaff member, personnel
    国会議員こっかいぎいんmember of National Diet, Diet member
    社員しゃいんcompany employee; company stockholders (esp. in legal contexts), members of a corporation
    全員ぜんいんall members (unanimity), all hands, the whole crew, everyone, everybody
    役員やくいんofficer, official, executive, staff