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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1336
  • Kun: かか.わる
  • On: コウ
  • Meaning: arrest, seize, concerned, adhere to, despite
  • Examples:
    拘束こうそくrestriction, restraint, binding
    拘置こうちdetention, confinement, arrest
    拘置所こうちしょprison, detention house
    拘留こうりゅうdetention, hold a person in custody
    拘束時間こうそくじかんtotal hours spent working
    拘わるこだわるto fuss over, to be particular about; to be obsessive, to be fixated
    拘るこだわるto fuss over, to be particular about; to be obsessive, to be fixated
    拘らずかかわらずin spite of, regardless of
    拘わらずかかわらずin spite of, regardless of