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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1826
  • Kun: あわ.てる, あわ.ただしい
  • On: コウ
  • Meaning: disconcerted, be confused, lose one's head
  • Examples:
    慌てるあわてるto become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised), to be flustered, to panic; to be in a hurry, to rush
    恐慌きょうこうpanic, scare, consternation
    慌ただしいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
    慌しいあわただしいbusy, hurried, confused, flurried
    慌てふためくあわてふためくto get into a panic, to be flustered, to panic, to get in a flap
    慌ててあわててin hot haste, in confusion
    慌てんぼうあわてんぼうflustered person, hasty person
    慌て者あわてものscatterbrain, absent-minded person
    大慌ておおあわてgreat excitement
    金融恐慌きんゆうきょうこうfinancial crisis or panic