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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: かのえ
  • On: コウ
  • Meaning: 7th, 7th calendar sign
  • Examples:
    かのえ, こう7th in rank, seventh sign of the Chinese calendar
    庚申こうしん57th of the sexagenary cycle
    庚申待こうしんまちstaying awake on the eve of the 57th day of the sexagenary cycle (to prevent the three worms from reporting one's wrongdoings and shortening one's lifespan), while worshipping Sakra, the Blue-Faced Vajra, or Sarutahiko
    庚申待ちこうしんまちstaying awake on the eve of the 57th day of the sexagenary cycle (to prevent the three worms from reporting one's wrongdoings and shortening one's lifespan), while worshipping Sakra, the Blue-Faced Vajra, or Sarutahiko