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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2478
  • Kun: こ.う
  • On: コツ, キツ, キ, キケ, コチ
  • Meaning: beg, invite, ask
  • Examples:
    乞食こじき, こつじきbeggar; begging
    乞いこいrequest, entreaty
    乞うこうto ask, to request, to invite
    一夜乞食いちやこじき(a) person made homeless by fire
    雨乞いあまごいpraying for rain
    乞い取るこいとるto ask for and receive
    乞高評こうこうひょうwith the author's compliments
    乞婿こいむこbridegroom who is loved by his bride
    乞丐こつがい, かたい, かったい, きっかいbeggar, bum
    命乞いいのちごいbegging for one's life, pleading for one's life