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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1087
  • Kun: おん-, お-, み-
  • On: ギョ, ゴ
  • Meaning: honorable, manipulate, govern
  • Examples:
    防御ぼうぎょdefense, defence, safeguard, protection
    制御せいぎょcontrol, governing, checking, suppression, repression, restraint, mastery, management
    御所ごしょold imperial palace
    御苑ぎょえんimperial garden
    御前おまえ, おまい, おめえyou (masc) (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior); presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.)
    御用邸ごようていimperial villa
    大御所おおごしょleading or influential figure
    御殿ごてんpalace, court
    御用ごようyour order, your business, official business
    御三家ごさんけthree branch Tokugawa families; big (top) three