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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1058
  • Kun: かえり.みる
  • On: コ
  • Meaning: look back, review, examine oneself, turn around
  • Examples:
    顧問こもんadviser, advisor, consultant
    顧客こきゃく, こかくcustomer, client, patron
    回顧録かいころくmemoirs, reminiscences
    顧みるかえりみるto look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past), to turn around, to review; to reflect, to reconsider; to consider (usu. used in negative), to concern oneself about
    一顧いっこ(take no) notice of
    愛顧あいこpatronage, favour, favor
    恩顧おんこfavour, favor, patronage
    家庭を顧みないかていをかえりみないthinking little of one's family
    軍事顧問ぐんじこもんmilitary adviser, military advisor