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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1749
  • Kun: か.れる, か.らす
  • On: コ
  • Meaning: wither, die, dry up, be seasoned
  • Examples:
    枯れるかれるto wither (plant), to be blasted, to die
    枯れ葉かれはdead leaf, dry leaves
    枯渇こかつdrying up, becoming exhausted, running dry, starvation
    枯死こしwithering, dying
    立ち枯れたちがれblighted, withered
    木枯らしこがらしcold wintry wind
    枯れ木かれきdead tree, dry wood
    枯れ草かれくさ, こそうdry grass, dead grass, hay, withered grass
    栄枯えいこvicissitudes, ups and downs
    枯らすからすto let dry, to kill (vegetation) to season (lumber)