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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: か, ああ, かな, や, よ, を
  • On: コ, オ
  • Meaning: question mark, ?
  • Examples:
    確乎かっこfirm, unshakeable, resolute
    凝乎と見るじっとみるto watch steadily
    乎古止点ヲコトてん, をことてん, おことてんmarks to aid in reading Chinese classics
    乎己止点ヲコトてん, をことてん, おことてんmarks to aid in reading Chinese classics
    断乎だんこfirm, determined, resolute, conclusive
    於乎ああ, アーAh!, Oh!, Alas!; Yes, Indeed, That is correct; Hey!, Yo!; Uh huh, Yeah yeah, Right, Gotcha
    嗟乎ああ, アーAh!, Oh!, Alas!; Yes, Indeed, That is correct; Hey!, Yo!; Uh huh, Yeah yeah, Right, Gotcha
    弖爾乎波てにをはpostpositions, particles
    天爾乎波てにをはpostpositions, particles
    断断乎だんだんこfirm, resolute, absolutely