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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2405
  • Kun: こぼ.れる, あふ.れる, み.ちる
  • On: イツ
  • Meaning: overflow, inundate, spill
  • Examples:
    溢れるあぶれるto fail (in getting a job), to fail (at fishing, hunting, etc.)
    溢れるあふれるto overflow, to brim over, to flood
    溢すこぼすto spill; to grumble
    溢れかえるあふれかえるto be awash with, to teem with, to be full of
    溢るあふるto flood, to overflow, to brim over
    溢れんばかりあふれんばかりoverflowing, effusive, exuberant, bountiful
    溢れだすあふれだすto begin to overflow, to start overflowing, to pour out
    溢しこぼしspilling, grumbling; waste-water container (tea ceremony)
    溢れ出るあふれでるto overflow from something full