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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:889
  • Kun: か.ける, か.かる
  • On: ケン, ケ
  • Meaning: suspend, hang, 10%, install, depend, consult
  • Examples:
    懸念けねんworry, fear, anxiety, concern
    懸命けんめいeagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
    一生懸命いっしょうけんめいvery hard, with utmost effort, with all one's might, for dear life
    懸案けんあんpending question, pending problem
    懸賞けんしょうoffering prizes, winning, reward
    懸け離れるかけはなれるto be very far apart from, to be remote, to be quite different from
    懸垂けんすいpull-up, chin up, chinning
    命懸けいのちがけlife and death, risking one's life, risky, desperate
    懸かるかかるto take; to hang; to come into view, to arrive; to come under (a contract, a tax); to start (engines, motors); to attend, to deal with, to handle; to have started to, to be on the verge of; to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover; to (come) at; to be fastened; to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.); to be caught in; to get a call; to depend on
    懸るかかるto take; to hang; to come into view, to arrive; to come under (a contract, a tax); to start (engines, motors); to attend, to deal with, to handle; to have started to, to be on the verge of; to overlap (e.g. information in a manual), to cover; to (come) at; to be fastened; to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.); to be caught in; to get a call; to depend on