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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:473
  • Kun: う.つ
  • On: ゲキ
  • Meaning: beat, attack, defeat, conquer
  • Examples:
    攻撃こうげきattack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure
    打撃だげきblow, shock, strike, damage; batting (baseball)
    衝撃しょうげきshock, crash, impact, ballistic
    爆撃ばくげきbombing (raid)
    撃つうつto shoot (at); to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
    反撃はんげきcounterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow
    銃撃じゅうげきshooting, gunning (down)
    襲撃しゅうげきattack, charge, raid
    目撃もくげきto observe, to witness; eye-witness
    撃ち止めるうちとめるto hammer into place; to end (a performance); to kill, to slay, to shoot dead, to cut down