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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:625
  • Kun: むか.える
  • On: ゲイ
  • Meaning: welcome, meet, greet
  • Examples:
    歓迎かんげいwelcome, reception
    迎えむかえmeeting, greeting, welcome
    迎賓館げいひんかんreception hall
    迎撃げいげきintercept, interception, counter attack
    出迎えるでむかえるto meet, to greet
    迎えるむかえるto go out to meet; to receive, to welcome; to accept (e.g. as a member of a group or family); to call for, to summon, to invite; to approach (a certain time, a point in one's life, etc.)
    出迎えでむかえmeeting, reception
    送迎そうげいseeing off and meeting on return
    迎え撃つむかえうつto ambush, to attack, to assault, to meet the enemy
    迎え入れるむかえいれるto show in, to usher in