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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1017
  • Kun: たずさ.える, たずさ.わる
  • On: ケイ
  • Meaning: portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along
  • Examples:
    連携れんけいcooperation, coordination, link
    携帯けいたい, ケイタイ, ケータイsomething carried (in the hand), handheld; mobile telephone, cell phone
    提携ていけいcooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up
    携わるたずさわるto engage in, to participate, to take part
    携えるたずさえるto carry in one's hand
    必携ひっけいhandbook, manual, vade mecum; (something) essential to keep on you
    技術提携ぎじゅつていけいtechnical cooperation
    業務提携ぎょうむていけいbusiness partnership
    携帯電話けいたいでんわmobile telephone, cellular telephone