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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:965
  • Kun: こうり
  • On: グン
  • Meaning: county, district
  • Examples:
    ぐん, こおりdistrict, county; district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the Ritsuryo period)
    郡部ぐんぶrural districts, counties
    共産国家郡きょうさんこっかぐんCommunist bloc
    郡県ぐんけんcounties and prefectures
    郡役所ぐんやくしょcounty offices
    郡県制度ぐんけんせいどcounty and prefecture system
    郡制ぐんせいcounty system
    郡長ぐんちょうdistrict headman, head county official
    国郡里制こくぐんりせいprovince-district-neighbourhood system (system of administrative divisions under the ritsuryo; 1 neighbourhood=~50 homes, 1 district=2-20 neighbourhoods)