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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1513
  • Kun: いさお
  • On: クン
  • Meaning: meritorious deed, merit
  • Examples:
    勲章くんしょうdecoration, order, medal
    殊勲しゅくんmeritorious deeds
    文化勲章ぶんかくんしょうOrder of Culture, Order of Cultural Merit
    叙勲じょくんconferring of decorations
    いさおdistinguished service, meritorious service
    くんmerit (esp. order of merit)
    勲記くんきdecoration diploma, diploma
    位階勲等いかいくんとうcourt rank and honors, court rank and honours
    位勲いくんrank and order of merit
    偉勲いくんgreat achievement