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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1434
  • Kun: かが.む, かが.める
  • On: クツ
  • Meaning: yield, bend, flinch, submit
  • Examples:
    理屈りくつtheory, reason
    屈辱くつじょくdisgrace, humiliation
    屈指くっしleading, foremost, preeminent, outstanding, one of the best
    屈託くったくworry, care
    窮屈きゅうくつnarrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained
    屈するくっするto yield, to give in, to be daunted; to bend, to shrink; to feel down
    屈服くっぷくyielding, submission, surrender, giving way, succumbing
    不屈ふくつpersistence, fortitude, indomitability
    屈折くっせつbending, indentation; refraction; inflection; warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.), distortion
    卑屈ひくつmenial, meanness, servility, abject