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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1033
  • Kun: か.ける, か.る
  • On: ク
  • Meaning: drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel
  • Examples:
    駆使くしorder around, use freely
    駆け引きかけひきbargaining, haggling; tactics, strategy
    駆動くどうdriving force
    先駆せんくforerunner, pioneer, precursor; herald; outrider, pilot car
    駆けつけるかけつけるto run to, to come running, to rush (someplace), to hasten
    先駆けるさきがけるto be the first
    駆けるかけるto run (race, esp. horse), to dash; to gallop (one's horse), to canter; to advance (against one's enemy)
    駆け込みかけこみlast-minute rush, stampede
    先駆けさきがけcharging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner, harbinger
    駆除くじょextermination, expulsion, destruction