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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1956
  • Kun: nan
  • On: ギン
  • Meaning: versify, singing, recital
  • Examples:
    吟醸酒ぎんじょうしゅtype of sake brewed by low temperature fermentation from white rice milled to 60%
    吟味ぎんみtesting, scrutiny, careful investigation
    吟遊詩人ぎんゆうしじんtroubadour, minstrel
    吟じるぎんじるto chant, to sing, to recite
    愛吟あいぎんfavourite poem or song, favorite poem or song; lover of poetry and song
    詠吟えいぎんreciting poetry
    吟詠ぎんえいrecitation or chanting of a poem
    吟唱ぎんしょうrecital, recitation, chant(ing)
    吟誦ぎんしょうrecital, recitation, chant(ing)
    偶吟ぐうぎんimpromptu poem