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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: おお.い, ちきり, きれ
  • On: キン, フク
  • Meaning: towel, hanging scroll, width, cloth radical (no. 50)
  • Examples:
    はばwidth, breadth
    きんnapkin, cloth
    頭巾ずきんhood, kerchief
    磯巾着いそぎんちゃく, イソギンチャクsea anemone
    巾着きんちゃくpouch, hanger-on, purse, handbag
    肩巾ひれshawl (on shoulder of woman's dress)
    御高祖頭巾おこそずきんkerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole head (except eyes)
    お高祖頭巾おこそずきんkerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole head (except eyes)
    口巾ったいくちはばったいacting smart, bragging
    黒巾くろこ, くろごprompter, stagehand, black figures