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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:643
  • Kun: nan
  • On: イ
  • Meaning: fiber, tie, rope
  • Examples:
    維持いじmaintenance, preservation, improvement
    繊維せんいfibre, fiber, textile
    維新いしんrestoration (e.g. Meiji)
    合成繊維ごうせいせんいsynthetic fibre, synthetic fiber
    化学繊維かがくせんいsynthetic fibers, synthetic fibres
    これthis (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic); this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group); now; here; I (me); certainly
    維持費いじひmaintenance costs
    原繊維げんせんいraw fibers, raw fibres, minute fibers, minute fibres
    光学繊維こうがくせんいfiber optics, fibre optics
    食物繊維しょくもつせんいdietary fiber, dietary fibre