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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1712
  • Kun: こ.る, こ.らす, こご.らす, こご.らせる, こご.る
  • On: ギョウ
  • Meaning: congeal, freeze, stiff, be absorbed in
  • Examples:
    凝ったこったelaborate, exquisite, tasteful, refined, artistic
    凝固ぎょうこcoagulation, freezing, solidification
    凝るこるto grow stiff; to be absorbed in, to be devoted to, to be a fanatic, to elaborate
    凝りしこり, こりstiffness (in shoulders), swelling, hardening; lingering discomfort, uneasiness, bad aftertaste, unpleasant feeling
    凝視ぎょうしstare, gaze, fixation
    凝らすこらすto concentrate, to devote, to apply, to strain, to rack
    しこり, こりstiffness (in shoulders), swelling, hardening; lingering discomfort, uneasiness, bad aftertaste, unpleasant feeling
    凝集ぎょうしゅうagglomeration, clumping together; cohesion (of ions, etc.); flocculation (of colloidal particles); (biological) agglutination
    凝らすこごらすto freeze, to congeal; to concentrate one's attention on, to devote oneself to something, to ponder, to meditate