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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:448
  • Kun: うつ.る, うつ.す
  • On: イ
  • Meaning: shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into
  • Examples:
    移植いしょくtransplanting, porting, implantation, engrafting
    移行いこうswitching over to, migration
    移転いてんmoving, transfer, demise
    移動いどうremoval, migration, movement; mobile (e.g. communications)
    移民いみんemigration, immigration; emigrant, immigrant
    移すうつすto change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer; to change the object of one's interest or focus; to spend or take time; to infect; to permeate something with the smell or colour of something; to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
    推移すいいtransition, change
    移籍いせきchanging household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)
    移住いじゅうmigration, immigration
    移譲いじょうtransfer, assignment