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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:549
  • Kun: ふる.い, もと
  • On: キュウ
  • Meaning: old times, old things, old friend, former, ex-
  • Examples:
    復旧ふっきゅう, ふくきゅうrestoration, restitution, rehabilitation
    新旧しんきゅうnew and old, incoming and outgoing
    旧制きゅうせいold system, old order
    旧姓きゅうせいone's former (maiden) name
    旧来きゅうらいtraditional, from ancient times, formerly
    旧派きゅうはthe old school
    旧態きゅうたいold state of affairs
    旧式きゅうしきold type, old style
    旧正月きゅうしょうがつlunisolar New Year, Chinese New Year, Vietnamese Tet
    旧知きゅうちold friend, old friendship