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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: きく.す, むす.ぶ, すく.う, たなごころ
  • On: キク, コク
  • Meaning: scoop up water with the hand
  • Examples:
    掬うすくうto scoop, to ladle out
    掬い取るすくいとるto dip or scoop up, to ladle out
    掬い出すすくいだすto bail (water out of a boat)
    掬い上げるすくいあげるto dip or scoop up
    一掬いっきくsmall amount
    掬い投げすくいなげ(sumo) variety of beltless arm throw
    掬い網すくいあみscoop net, insect net
    小股掬いこまたすくいover-thigh scooping body drop (sumo)
    足元を掬うあしもとをすくうto trip someone up, to pull the carpet from under
    金魚掬いきんぎょすくいfestival game in which participants try to catch goldfish in a shallow paper ladle