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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1766
  • Kun: よろ.しい, よろ.しく
  • On: ギ
  • Meaning: best regards, good
  • Examples:
    便宜べんぎconvenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience
    時宜じぎright time, appropriate time, season's greetings
    適宜てきぎsuitable, appropriate; appropriately
    どうぞ宜しくどうぞよろしくpleased to meet you
    宜しいよろしいgood, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can
    宜しくよろしくwell, properly, suitably; best regards, please remember me, please treat me favorably (favourably), please take care of
    宜しかったらよろしかったらif you don't mind, if you like
    宜しくやるよろしくやるto make out with, to make cozy with (cosy); to do at one's own discretion
    宜しければよろしければif you please, if you don't mind, when you're ready, if you want, if that's alright with you
    機宜きぎopportunity, occasion