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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: こめぐら
  • On: リン, ヒン
  • Meaning: salary in rice
  • Examples:
    天稟てんぴんnatural talents
    稟議書りんぎしょdraft plan circulated to obtain permission (draught)
    稟議りんぎ, ひんぎreaching a decision by using a circular letter, reaching a decision via a document circulated to all employees
    稟性ひんせいinborn nature
    稟質ひんしつinborn nature
    稟議制度りんぎせいどthe system in government offices and business corporations in which draft proposals are prepared by someone in charge of the matter and circulated for collective deliberation and final approval by particular (designated) officials or executives