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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:771
  • Kun: かこ.む, かこ.う, かこ.い
  • On: イ
  • Meaning: surround, besiege, store, paling, enclosure, encircle, preserve, keep
  • Examples:
    囲むかこむto surround, to encircle
    周囲しゅういsurroundings, environs; circumference
    範囲はんいextent, scope, sphere, range, span
    雰囲気ふんいきatmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiance
    囲碁いごGo (board game of capturing territory)
    包囲ほういsiege, encirclement, envelopment
    囲みかこみenclosure, box, column, siege
    囲いかこいenclosure, paling, storage
    広範囲こうはんいextensive, vast range, wide scope
    取り囲むとりかこむto surround, to crowd around