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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:117
  • Kun: nan
  • On: キ, ゴ
  • Meaning: period, time, date, term
  • Examples:
    期間きかんperiod, term, interval
    期待きたいexpectation, anticipation, hope
    時期じきtime, season, period; soon, shortly
    早期そうきearly stage
    長期ちょうきlong time period
    期限きげんterm, period, time frame; time limit, deadline, cutoff (date)
    次期じきnext term, next period; next version, next release
    定期ていきfixed term; fixed-term commutation pass; fixed-term deposit
    任期にんきterm of office
    会期かいきsession (of a legislature)