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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: わざ, わざおぎ
  • On: ギ, キ
  • Meaning: deed, skill
  • Examples:
    歌舞伎かぶきkabuki, Japanese classical drama
    わざ, ぎtechnique, art
    伎楽ぎがくancient music
    伎女ぎじょwoman entertainer
    伎倆ぎりょうability, talent, skill, capacity
    伎能ぎのうtechnical skill, ability, capacity
    伎芸ぎげいart of kabuki
    歌舞伎十八番かぶきじゅうはちばんrepertoire of 18 kabuki plays
    女歌舞伎おんなかぶきgirls' kabuki
    歌舞伎者かぶきものa dandy, a peacock, the early-17th-century equivalent of present-day yakuza, Edo-period eccentric who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes, peculiar hairstyle, and weird behavior