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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1391
  • Kun: かんが.みる, かがみ
  • On: カン
  • Meaning: specimen, take warning from, learn from
  • Examples:
    鑑定かんていjudgement, judgment, expert opinion
    鑑賞かんしょうappreciation (e.g. of art), aesthetic sense
    印鑑いんかんstamp, seal
    図鑑ずかんillustrated reference book, illustrated encyclopedia (esp. for children), picture book
    年鑑ねんかんyearbook, almanac, annual
    名鑑めいかんdirectory, list
    精神鑑定せいしんかんていpsychiatric examination
    鑑識かんしきjudgement, judgment, discernment, discrimination, having eye for
    鑑別かんべつdiscrimination, judgement, judgment, separation, sorting
    かがみmodel, pattern