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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1859
  • Kun: あ.えて, あ.えない, あ.えず
  • On: カン
  • Meaning: daring, sad, tragic, pitiful, frail, feeble
  • Examples:
    果敢かかんresolute, determined, bold
    敢闘かんとうfighting bravely
    敢行かんこうdecisive action
    勇敢ゆうかんbrave, heroic, gallant
    敢えてあえてdare (to do something), venture (often overcoming reluctance, or in the face of probable failure), take upon oneself, challenge, presume, (there is no) need to, (don't) go as far as, definitely (not)
    敢てあえてdare (to do something), venture (often overcoming reluctance, or in the face of probable failure), take upon oneself, challenge, presume, (there is no) need to, (don't) go as far as, definitely (not)
    敢えないあえないtragic, tragically
    敢え無くあえなくsadly, tragically
    勇敢さゆうかんさbravery, heroism, gallantry