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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2399
  • Kun: か.む, か.じる
  • On: コウ, ゴウ
  • Meaning: chew, bite, gnaw
  • Examples:
    噛みこなすかみこなすto chew, to digest
    噛みつくかみつくto bite (at), to snap at, to snarl at
    噛むかむto bite, to chew, to gnaw; to fumble or falter with one's words
    噛りつくかじりつく, かぶりつくto bite into, to stick to
    噛るかじるto chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to nibble, to munch, to crunch, to have a smattering of; to dabble in (e.g. hobby, instrument)
    がぶりと噛みつくがぶりとかみつくsink one's teeth into
    噛みタバコかみタバコchewing tobacco
    ほぞを噛むほぞをかむto regret bitterly, to be very sorry (for)
    噛ますかますto force something into someone's mouth (i.e. a gag); to wedge something into a space, filling it; to feed someone (something)
    噛ませるかませるto force something into someone's mouth (i.e. a gag); to wedge something into a space, filling it; to feed someone (something)