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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:249
  • Kun: かわ
  • On: カク
  • Meaning: leather, become serious, skin, hide, pelt
  • Examples:
    かわskin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell
    改革かいかくreform, reformation, innovation
    革命かくめいrevolution; 58th year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou)
    革新かくしんreform, innovation
    変革へんかくchange, reform, revolution, upheaval; Reformation
    行革ぎょうかくadministrative reform
    保革ほかくconservatism and progressivism, conservatives and reformists
    皮革ひかくleather, hide
    農地改革のうちかいかくagrarian reform
    革靴かわぐつleather shoes