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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2275
  • Kun: はや.す
  • On: サツ, ソウ
  • Meaning: play (music), accompany, beat time, banter, jeer, applaud
  • Examples:
    囃子はやしJapanese orchestra, band, accompaniment
    囃すはやすto play accompaniment, to jeer at
    五人囃子ごにんばやしfive court-musician dolls at the Girl's Festival (in March)
    持て囃すもてはやすto praise extravagantly, to lionize, to lionise, to make much of
    囃子詞はやしことばmeaningless words in a song for rhythm, words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
    囃子言葉はやしことばmeaningless words in a song for rhythm, words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
    囃子方はやしかた(in Noh) musician, orchestra leader
    狸囃子たぬきばやしtanuki drumming on their stomachs
    言い囃すいいはやすto praise, to spread or circulate a rumor (rumour)
    言囃すいいはやすto praise, to spread or circulate a rumor (rumour)