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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2449
  • Kun: あえ.ぐ, せき
  • On: ゼン, セン
  • Meaning: pant, gasp, breathe hard
  • Examples:
    喘息ぜんそくasthma, phthisis
    喘ぐあえぐto gasp, breathe hard
    喘ぎあえぎgasping, puffing, wheezing; asthma
    余喘よぜんlingering life, feeble existence, brink of ruin
    小児喘息しょうにぜんそくinfantile asthma
    気管支喘息きかんしぜんそくbronchial asthma
    喘息が起こるぜんそくがおこるto have an attack of asthma
    残喘ざんぜんthe remainder of one's life
    喘鳴ぜんめいstridor, wheezing, noisy breathing
    喘ぎ声あえぎごえheavy breathing