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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1806
  • Kun: わき, わけ
  • On: キョウ
  • Meaning: armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role
  • Examples:
    わきside, aside; armpit; back-burner
    関脇せきわけsumo wrestler of the third highest rank
    脇役わきやくsupporting role (actor), minor role
    かたわらside, edge, beside, besides, nearby; while (doing)
    脇によるわきによるto draw aside
    口脇くちわきedges of the mouth
    小脇こわきunder one's arm, (in) the armpit
    脇見わきみ, ぼうしlooking from the side, looking aside
    両脇りょうわきboth sides
    脇差わきざしshort sword