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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:2348
  • Kun: いが.む, いびつ, ひず.む, ゆが.む
  • On: ワイ, エ
  • Meaning: warp, bend, strained, distort
  • Examples:
    いびつoval, elliptical, distorted, crooked, irregular, warped
    歪みひずみ, ゆがみ, いがみstrain, distortion, bend
    歪むゆがむ, いがむ, ひずむto warp, to swerve, to deflect, to be crooked, to be distorted, to be bent, to incline, to slant, to be perverted, to be gross-grained, to get bent, to be strained
    歪めるいがめる, ゆがめるto bend, to curve, to warp, to distort
    時間の歪みじかんのひずみtime warp
    歪曲わいきょくdistortion, falsification, perversion
    歪度わいどskewness (statistics)
    位相歪みいそうひずみphase distortion
    減衰歪みげんすいひずみattenuation distortion