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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:1298
  • Kun: も.る, も.れる, も.らす
  • On: ロウ
  • Meaning: leak, escape, time
  • Examples:
    漏らすもらすto let leak, to reveal
    雨漏りあまもりroof leak
    漏出ろうしゅつleak out
    漏るもるto leak, to run out
    漏れもれomission, leakage, oversight; I, me
    漏えいろうえい, ろうせつdisclosure, leakage (e.g. of gas or liquids or information), escape (e.g. of gas)
    漏れるもれるto leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to be omitted
    漏れなくもれなくwithout omission, in full
    漏りもりleak, leakage (of rain)