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Kanji Details:

  • Frequency:0
  • Kun: やぐら, おおだて
  • On: ロ
  • Meaning: oar, tower
  • Examples:
    やぐらturret, watchtower; high wooden stage, scaffolding; wooden frame (of a kotatsu); weapons storehouse
    Japanese scull (oar attached to the rear of the boat by a traditional peg-in-hole oarlock)
    火の見櫓ひのみやぐらfire lookout, watchtower
    櫓太鼓やぐらだいこdrums which announce the opening of a stage performance or commencement of sumo bouts, the sound produced by such drums
    櫓投げやぐらなげinner thigh throw (sumo)
    櫓杭ろぐいfulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock)
    櫓臍ろべそfulcrum peg (fitted into the cavity in an oar as part of a traditional oarlock)
    櫓櫂ろかいsculls and paddles